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The horrific details of Gabriel Kuhn Murder

Gabriel Kuhn

Daniel Petry was a small kid notorious for killing and assaulting a 12-year-old boy by the name of Gabriel Kuhn.

Gabriel Kuhn and Daniel Petry are two names famous for another horrific tale that shook the whole of Brazil because the nature of their story is spine-chilling. 16-year-old Daniel sodomized, killed, and sawed 12-year-old Gabriel’s body in half after he failed to repay $1.75 in-game Tibia currency. If you are interested in reading horror tales then this story is for you.

Gabriel Kuhn was a peculiar 12-year-old boy who lived in Daniel Petry’s neighborhood. The two developed their relationship into a partnership while cooperating in the online game Tibia but their partnership ended in a brutal murder. 

Gabriel Kuhn And Daniel Petry Crime Story

gabriel kuhn

According to reports, Gabriel requested 20,000 Tibia from Daniel in electronic foreign exchange, but Daniel required that Gabriel Kuhn make the request again before giving him the money. Eventually, Gabriel withheld the electronic currency he had promised Daniel and cut off all of his electronic connections as Daniel started to ask for it. This irritated Daniel to the point where he called his mother, Nova Trento, at 9:30 am on the day of the crime to find out when she would certainly come.

After their fight over the video game, Daniel decided to pay Gabriel a visit. Gabriel invited him in, but Daniel, who has a mental illness, swiftly closed the door behind him as soon as he entered the room and began pounding Gabriel.

Daniel Petry first brutally beat Gabriel Kuhl before beginning to rape the victim. He wrapped electrical cables securely around his neck and strangled him. To make the body easier to carry, he cut the legs. He then hid the body in a crawl space in a hallway.

Dan Petry was imprisoned after regrettably confessing to the murder. In his most recent media interview, he ultimately asserted that Gabriel Kuhl was a thief who had dumped him. He continued by stating that he will be held accountable for his actions.

The results of Gabriel Kuhl’s autopsy showed that he had been sodomized multiple times. The sad incident took place after Gabriel supposedly made a promise to reveal Daniel’s secrets. The murderer Daniel Petrey received a three-year sentence and was placed in a juvenile delinquent facility.

Only Three Years in a Juvenile Facility: Injustice to Gabriel

Gabriel Kuhn

Brazilian authorities charged Daniel Petry as a juvenile and sentenced him to three years at a juvenile facility. He was released from the facility in 2010. Little about Daniel is known since his release. Perhaps he has changed his name.

Where Is Daniel Petry Now?

According to reports, Daniel Petry is currently in Brazil. He has, however, lost favor with the public. In the years since his release in 2010, he has utterly disappeared. 

According to reports, Daniel Petry is currently in Brazil. He has, however, lost favor with the public. In the years since his release in 2010, he has utterly disappeared. Daniel’s parents were so terrified by his violent outbursts in the past that they sent the 16-year-old to several psychiatrists in Brazil in the hopes that something might work to help him. Daniel detested physicians and remained silent. Eventually, he stopped going because he misbehaved during the sessions.

He stopped attending classes, and although it has never been proven, some people believe he spent time in a mental hospital.

This makes it impossible to pinpoint his precise position. However, his last statement before the crime scene was, “Gabriel cheated and I will make him pay for all his actions; as he said that there is Heaven and Hell, there in Hell is he; I will find him there and take revenge again.”


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